Value Our People

  1. Action group: Living wage

    Joint Compensation Committee and Project 2024 group.

    Incorporate the goal of providing a living wage for all into the salary philosophy.

    Convener: Justine Square 

  2. Action group: Events 

    Work with Dean of College Events Committee. Fewer events with broader appeal, chosen to reflect college priorities, and scheduled to avoid conflicts.

    Consolidate events.

    Centralize scheduling and event planning.

  3. Working group: Empowering people

    Establish plans for clear, consistent, and formal ways of communicating decisions: who makes them and the rationale behind them.

    Diffuse decision making. Define the responsibilities of key groups such as Staff Council, the FEC, the Budget Committee, and the Compensation Committee. Create a plan for sharing the information they need to be effective.

    Co-chairs: Mark Lee, Mike Anstadt

  4. Working group: Do less

    Develop a system and metrics to assess programs and sunset those no longer serving student interests.

    Clarify expectations about when to schedule class activities.

    Co-chairs: TBD

  5. Administrative assistants, department & program chairs, supervisors: Simplify procedures, add procedures.

    Facilitate access to procedures. Provide instructions for use. Streamline existing procedures. Create processes to replace ad hoc arrangements where needed. 

  6. Human Resources

    Collaborating with relevant groups including the Budget Committee, Compensation Committee, and Project 2024 Steering Committee.

    • Salary structure

      • Review salary structure and bands. Accelerate pay raises in lower bands.

    • Advancement and professional growth

      • Clearer paths to advancement. More cross training and leadership development. Revise personnel reviews to recognize contributions to college priorities and to gauge job satisfaction.  

  7. Information Technology

    Assess technology needs to achieve small & larger scale efficiencies.

  8. Cabinet

    Develop protocols for hiring outside consultants.

    With AVPs and Directors, reduce exceptionalism by empowering staff & faculty to hold people accountable for deadlines and procedures.

    Encourage plans to manage emails & reduce meetings.

Report an issue - Last updated: 02/21/2024