Reinforce Liberal Learning

  1. Action group: Promoting interdisciplinary inquiry and expanding two-block options.

    A four-year, question-driven, interdisciplinary liberal learning program (FYP, synergy blocks/semester, liberal learning capstone) as an option for students.

    Liberal arts senior capstone.

    Calendar options: 1) set aside two blocks for 2-block configurations of all types; 2) 3 blocks-winter break--long block—spring break--3 blocks; 3) hybrid system of 2 separate blocks + 2 concurrent blocks each semester.

    Co-chairs: Neena Grover and Lily Byrne

  2. Action group: Experiential Learning.

    Give students at least one internship, block abroad, or faculty-student research collaborative.

    Group #1: structure
        Group #2: process

    Group #1: Allen Bertsche, Jim Burke, Megan Nicklaus (convener), Lisa Schwartz

  3. Working groups: Knowledge Portfolios.

    Examine ways to encourage (mandate?) students to reflect on how their learning inside and outside the classroom shapes them as individuals and citizens.

    Group: Marion Hourdequin, Andrea Culp, Jacob McDougall, Jennifer Golightly, Dustin Fife, Peony Fhagen, and Andrea Bruder

  4. Curriculum Executive Committee.

    Find ways to reduce requirements in the context of a review of Gen Ed with the goal of increasing space for interdisciplinary learning & student agency.

    Evaluate options for expanding two-block opportunities.

  5. Dean of the Faculty, departments and programs, faculty

    Develop two-block and theme-centered synergy semesters and interdisciplinary, project based liberal learning capstones. Dean’s Office course development grants. Dean’s Office support for at least 5 senior liberal learning capstones.

    Dean’s Office works with chairs and directors to incorporate world readiness learning and high impact practices in the major.

    Dean’s Office and other relevant offices develop a career readiness program for sophomores.
Report an issue - Last updated: 02/01/2024