Rishi Ling ’18 Receives 普林斯顿大学亚洲分校 Fellowship

Becomes Third CC Recipient in Three Years; Also Named a Fulbright Finalist

凌日18岁 has received a highly competitive 普林斯顿大学亚洲分校 fellowship to teach English at the University of Macau. He also is a Fulbright finalist for an English Teaching Assistant grant to Taiwan.

Ling, who is from Libertyville, Illinois, graduated 以优等成绩毕业者 with a degree in music 和 currently serves as a paraprofessional in CC音乐系. He is the third 科罗拉多大学 recipient of the prestigious 普林斯顿大学亚洲分校 fellowship in the last three years.

Ling's desire to join a community in Asia stems from his family's experiences relocating; his father's parents fled China at the end of the Chinese Civil War, 和 his mother's family fled India during the Partition. "My Chinese 和 Indian gr和parents lost so much because of the political turmoil that transformed their home countries,他说. "My family's narratives inspire me to give back 和 offer support to communities through culture 和 language teaching."

Although the 普林斯顿大学亚洲分校 fellowship in Macau does not focus on helping settle refugees, it does provide Ling an opportunity to teach English to undergraduates who wish to exp和 their worldviews 和 cultural perspectives. "I will be able to offer my own experiences 和 advice to those who wish to work 和 live overseas, furthering their underst和ing of the variety of cultures 和 communities that make up America,他说.

玲担任过 第一年经验 mentor 和 later as an ethnomusicology re搜索 assistant in the Music Department. He plans to translate his experience as a re搜索 assistant who formatted class materials, 制定教学大纲, 和 designed a digital humanities final class project into his English course curricula during his yearlong fellowship in Macau.

After graduating from CC 和 while serving as a paraprof, Ling worked with the 科罗拉多大学 Refugee Alliance 和 the Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains Refugee 和 Asylee 项目, mentoring refugees 和 helping them find jobs, work inspired by his family's own narrative. Ling says while working with refugees in Colorado Springs, he has pulled from his music 和 arts backgrounds to help bridge cultural dissonance 和 language barriers.

“例如, in my meetings with a young man from Eritrea, I found extra-verbal activities that ask him to draw pictures of job advertisements 和 label them in English help me communicate with him, despite my not speaking Tigrinya 和 his limited English proficiency. Our time spent learning from each other 和 cultivating a friendship encourages me to meet peoples from around the world, learn from them 和 teach,他说.

"As a multiracial post-grad, I am intrigued by Macau's rich cultural heritages, specifically its fusing of Portuguese 和 Chinese cultural influences,凌说。. "Through exploring the region's multiculturalism, I hope to have the opportunity to more deeply reflect upon my own multicultural identity.

"As a 普林斯顿大学亚洲分校 fellow at the University of Macau, I hope to connect to my students' diverse heritages through building a community that fosters multicultural identities,他说. "I also will seek to pull from my background in music by designing projects in which students engage in cultural sharing through group music making."

凌连接 Rachel Hyppolite 18年迈尔斯·库珀17岁 as 普林斯顿大学亚洲分校 fellows.

The mission of 普林斯顿大学亚洲分校 is to promote goodwill 和 underst和ing 和 to facilitate the free interchange of the best ideals in the civilizations of both East 和 West. The organization aims to foster "mutual appreciation 和 cultural underst和ing by connecting service-minded graduates 和 partner organizations in Asia through immersive work experiences that transform perspectives, cultivate long-lasting relationships 和 benefit local 和 global communities."

报告问题 - 最后更新: 12/16/2020