CC students post offensive and racially derogatory comments on the social media platform Yik Yak.

A professor asks a student to speak up in class, addressing an issue as a “representative of the black viewpoint.”

A Latinx student introduces herself in class and she is asked to give her “CC” name, implying that she should use a name that is more anglicized.

These anecdotes illustrate the lived experiences for students on CC’s campus.

现在想象一下,在一个教室里,学生们根据种族的交集来识别和评估个人和群体的不平等经历, citizenship, and other dimensions of difference. Envision an institution where there exists a curricular requirement for every student to examine equity and power. That kind of transformational, systematic change exemplifies what CC
is working toward with its institutional antiracist initiative.

“I’m really troubled by false notions of a ‘post-racial’ society as a whole, which many people base solely upon the fact that we had an African American president, 同样令人不安的是,许多人认为赌博正规的十大网站“超然”,我们也没有受到这种社会罪恶的困扰,” says Rochelle Dickey-Mason ’83, senior associate dean of students.

正如过去几年发生的众多种族主义事件所证明的那样,这所大学肯定不是“置身于冲突之外”. In March 2018, an unknown person, hiding behind an encrypted email service, sent an extremely hurtful, racist, anti-black, trans-antagonistic message to many students, faculty, and staff. It targeted campus leaders of color, including Dickey-Mason, who have spent years working to make CC a more inclusive, supportive living and learning community. In April 2018, after repeatedly voiced concerns from students through petitions (the first of which was submitted four years prior, highlighting racial, ethnic, and sexual inequalities at CC) and surveys, 教师们投票决定取消《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》的课程要求,并起草一份新的通识教育计划,努力向更多样化、更公平的课程发展. 2018年,一项校园涂抹和烟斗仪式政策生效,此前不敏感的校园行为表明,该学院显然没有认可和支持土著/美洲原住民学生. This is far from an exhaustive list.

“When we began our work in 2014, the dominant narrative was that CC was so progressive that racism was not an issue here,” says Paul Buckley, assistant vice president and director of the Butler Center, CC’s hub of diversity, inclusion, intercultural exchange, equity, and empowerment. “这种叙述——再现了自满情绪,维持了现状——让我和巴特勒中心的工作人员清楚地认识到,我们将非常坚定地为我们的工作设定一个反种族主义的议程.”

面对这种自满文化,CC积极追求反种族主义的模式在高等教育中成为一种独特的方式. “We have significantly shaped the college’s effort in this area,” Buckley says of his team’s work, “utilizing every situation we have faced to strategically move this work forward.” With racist incidents occurring here and across college campuses and the nation, and violence resulting in tragedy near and far, the college is committed to engaging in dialogue around issues of respect. These conversations are indeed happening at CC, and will continue.

“I hope that with understanding and acknowledgement come open reflection, bold action predicated upon constructive dialogue, and a chance for people to have a greater sense of urgency and agency. We all have power in our own way to fight racism,” Dickey-Mason says.

CC的战略计划“建筑在街区”中提出的举措之一是为所有人创造一个多元化和包容性的校园. The college is committed to creating and fostering an environment where all students, faculty, staff, and guests feel welcomed and have the ability to thrive. The establishment of the Butler Center in 2014 was a first and significant step toward interrogating systems, practices, and the campus culture.

这项工作的一部分是解决一直以来让学生感到沮丧和沮丧的痛苦的不作为循环, faculty, 倡导重大变革的有色人种员工——相信他们的存在是受欢迎的,他们对学院的贡献是受尊重的. Recent conflicts are the catalyst for exactly that kind of change, beginning with frank and often painful conversations about race. Similar to many campuses nationwide, racist incidents continue to boil up at CC and then seemingly fade away until another incident occurs.

In order to break the cycle, 该学院正在超越事件发生时的调查,并正在采取勇敢的步骤来改变机构本身. In advancing the college’s strategic initiative even further, CC致力于成为一个反种族主义机构,其目标是在机构政策中消除种族主义, procedures, and practices. Transformational institutional change is the overarching goal of antiracism work at CC.

Challenging conversations are happening. Topics of race, white supremacy, access, and equity are spurring initiatives and action on campuses nationwide. 2018年的这封匿名邮件清楚地表明,CC也不能幸免于种族主义的痛苦和伤害,校园社区还有很多工作要做.

“The sad reality is that structural racism is embedded throughout American history and current society,” says Provost Alan Townsend, who also serves on the Steering Committee for the External Review on Racism. “It’s essential for leaders in higher education to recognize those facts honestly, and work actively against the inequities and biases they create. 如果我们要为今天的一代学生提供最好的教育,这不仅仅是赌博正规的十大网站的道德和伦理义务, issues of equity and power, along with active work toward becoming antiracist institutions, must be a central part of our mission.”

“Changing a culture is a messy process, and above all, it takes time,” says Cameron Mongoven ’21, Colorado College Student Government Association vice president and chair of CCSGA’s Inclusion Committee, and who also serves on the steering committee. “我们可能永远无法完全看到我们和其他许多人的工作成果,这很难接受. I believe that this is a frustration of many students, including myself. Yet, this work must remain alive and active. The biggest reward by far has been hearing the energy in people’s voices when they talk about this. That’s how I know that something is there.”

“We are at so many different places in our journey; for some, this is an awakening. And some of us live, eat, sleep, and breathe this work day in and day out. It can be frustrating and fatiguing on both sides. So, the challenge is really about strategies that help move people forward from where they are now,” says Dickey-Mason. “在一个勇敢地从事反种族主义工作的机构工作,并为他们提供资源支持,这是非常值得的.”


“It is emotional work,” says Neena Grover, professor of chemistry and biochemistry, Faculty Executive Committee chair, and member of the steering committee. “We tend to take racism issues personally and often don’t want to recognize our own racism, regardless of the color of our skin. 很难接受的是,作为一个机构,我们可能会在许多或大或小的方面进一步扩大白人特权,压制边缘化社区的声音.”

“This is critical work that is central to the academic mission of the college,” Dickey-Mason says. “And because it impacts each of us on a daily basis; despite our differing levels of engagement with and understanding of how racism works, it’s insidious and constant in our lives.”

Education and Exploration

An important step to becoming an antiracist campus is acknowledging that racism exists at Colorado College. Racism cannot be addressed if it’s not talked about. 如果CC的成员对校园文化现状不诚实,它就不可能成为一个公平和包容的社区, and that making progress is an active and ongoing process of engagement.

“Ultimately, I think most people — students, staff, and faculty — are interested in doing the work toward making CC an antiracist institution,” says Grover. “We are in it together and there is a lot of ownership and a desire to improve Colorado College.”

The Butler Center, in partnership with the Excel@CC professional development program, facilitates educational opportunities for students, faculty, and staff. The “Good to Great” series, presented by Buckley, provides foundational principles and practices, working toward an inclusive understanding of diversity and the campus culture. It also addresses accessibility and accountability in learning and teaching styles as well as recruitment. “Toward a Daily Antiracist Agenda” sessions, facilitated by the Butler Center staff, examine racial bias; facilitate learning about white supremacy’s operation at structural and cultural levels in society and in higher education; develop an understanding of antiracism in action; and engage participants in the development of a personal plan for working toward becoming/being an antiracist.

“CC is committed to working to become an antiracist institution,” says President Jill Tiefenthaler. “The college’s focus on this goal represents a strategic priority, one where success depends on sustained engagement and contributions from each of us.”

External Review

Another important step in this effort is an examination of racism at CC. In Fall 2018, the college began an external review on racism, conducted by Roger Worthington of the Center for Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education. While the report recognizes some of the progress made toward fostering a diverse and inclusive environment, it also provides a more comprehensive examination of effectively addressing racism at CC.

“I hope that first and foremost, the report helps people to understand that racism still exists,” says Dickey-Mason. “I want to see us become a better version of ourselves.”

汤森赞同承认错误的必要性,并利用这份报告找出解决这些重大问题的解决方案. “Put most simply, I hope our work on this initiative helps make it a place where anyone can come from any background, feel a true part of the community, and have an equal opportunity to thrive once they are here,” he says.

The report includes nine recommendations: Develop a collaborative implementation plan for the antiracism initiative; build coalitions to develop, advance, and promote the antiracism initiative; connect the CC core values to a pledge of antiracism at CC; appoint a vice president for justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion; establish an antiracist curriculum transformation initiative; expand diversity in enrollment management and student life; increase faculty diversity and leadership; increase staff diversity and leadership; and develop and implement a strategic communications plan for the antiracism initiative.

Along with these broad recommendations, the external review also provides guidance on action steps and metrics for measuring progress.

Already underway, 学院完成了通识教育的审查和修订,并于2019年5月通过了新的通识教育计划和课程要求. The Curriculum Executive Committee — with representation from faculty, students, and staff — drafted a new general education program and facilitated broad community discussion about its priorities. “Examination of power, diversity, and inequality emerged as a central imperative,” says Tip Ragan, professor of history and chair of the Curriculum Executive Committee (2018-19).

该学院新采用的课程设置旨在足够广泛,以便院系能够根据具体的学科需求进行定制, yet also specific enough to address essential elements of a holistic approach to an inclusive curriculum. The recommendation also includes a directive for building faculty capacity for antiracist curriculum transformation involving course content selection; teaching a diverse student body; student demographics/classroom climate; and instructor self-awareness.

报告指出,虽然“多样性和包容性原则是反种族主义的基本先决条件, they are not sufficient conditions in and of themselves for antiracism efforts to proceed.“外部审查为CC社区如何采取重大行动改变大学文化提供了广泛的指导. 报告解释说,高等教育机构的多样性和包容性努力必须纳入系统的反种族主义努力, so as not to marginalize people of color and those from other oppressed groups.

“外部审查是关于开始在机构层面开展工作,并在此时将我们所有人带到谈判桌前. It is collective work,” says Grover. “当学生告诉我们,CC提供的教育和机会对他们来说并不平等,或者CC的人在日常生活中经历种族主义, we need to do something about it.”


“CC’s antiracist initiative erases the passivity of how diversity and inclusion work can sometimes be seen,” Mongoven explains. “By rejecting the complacency of being ‘non-racist,’ this work is founded on the premise that there is work to still be done no matter who you are. This new standard looks to what can be done rather than what you are not, or what you have already done. By far the most important element of the antiracist initiative is its shift in mindset.”

该学院现在正在采取行动,在成为一所反种族主义机构的过程中做出长期的改进. 校园里的每个办公室和部门都被要求考虑CC的反种族主义倡议将如何影响他们的工作. Each vice president, the members of Staff Council, the Faculty Executive Committee, the CC Student Government Association, 和总统委员会已经确定了各自小组推进外部审查报告建议的方式.

The new general education requirements focus on how learning and knowledge are evoked and created, across the humanities, sciences, social sciences, and arts. 这个新课程还明确地纳入并鼓励了挑战美国种族主义和种族主义遗产的课程和学习机会的发展.S., globally, and in the structure and character of academic disciplines.

For example, a two-block Equity and Power requirement represents a key change in CC’s general education approach. One course must focus on the U.S.; the other course on global issues. In both cases, the focus on equity and power will open up space for addressing racism and antiracism.

The requirements go into effect with the start of the 2020-21 academic year.

Increasing socioeconomic diversity is another institutional priority identified in the review. By making CC more affordable, the college will attract and enroll a higher percentage of students from lower- and middle-income families, and increase representation from all socioeconomic categories. “以创意为基础:赌博正规的十大网站运动”旨在筹集1亿美元的财政援助,其中包括2000万美元专门用于支持 Colorado Pledge. Once this initiative is fully funded, 科罗拉多州低收入和中等收入家庭的学生将确信,CC教育将与就读该州的公立旗舰大学一样或更实惠.

“We want the learning environment to be inclusive and diverse for all students’ growth,” Grover says. “We want diversity and inclusion to be a norm, not just words that we use for conforming to the practices of functioning in a predominantly white community. All the evidence suggests that diversity of ideas and practices produces more complex solutions to the problems; we have some big problems to solve ahead of us, from social justice to gene editing to climate change.”

What’s Next

CC’s antiracism initiative seeks to place the institution on the leading edge of racial justice in U.S. higher education. Over the summer, a small group used the report and recommendations, along with an external review of the Butler Center and other information gathered throughout the year, 起草一份实施计划,包括时间表和指标,以跟踪成为反种族主义机构的进展情况. At the beginning of the 2019-20 academic year, President Tiefenthaler will share the draft plan with the campus community, asking for feedback. After gathering input, campus leaders will finalize the college’s strategy and begin implementation. 随着CC社区的所有成员朝着有意义和持续的变化而努力,一旦计划付诸行动,期望收到进展的更新.

“我希望看到赌博正规的十大网站成为一个学习机构,学生不再受到社会对他们身份的偶然限制,” says Mongoven. “While outside of CC these struggles will persist, I hope that this school can provide four years of unhindered self-development, mobility, and relationship building. 我相信我们正走在这条道路上,欢迎就此展开对话,而不是回避这样的挑战.”

Antiracist vs. Nonracist

Antiracist: The policy or practice of actively opposing racism and promoting racial tolerance; understanding the institutional nature of racism and acknowledgement that racism affects all individuals.

“这一立场意味着为你不情愿地参与这些行为承担责任,并开始新的生活,致力于实现真正的种族平等.” (Bonilla-Silva, 2003)

Nonracist: A passive rejection or opposition of racist behavior; neither supporting nor opposing racism.

“Nonracism accepts colorblindness and racial neutrality, which centers on non-discriminatory intentions and assumes the possibility of racial innocence of people, policies, and ideas. 它允许种族主义行为不受挑战地发生,因为它们不被视为或承认为种族主义.” – LaGarrett King

Progress on campus

  • 新的通识教育课程为挑战美国种族主义和种族主义遗产的课程和学习机会的发展提供了空间和鼓励.S., globally, and in the structure and character of academic disciplines. 它消除了西方的时间要求,增加了两个部分的公平和权力要求,重点关注公平和权力问题.
  • In partnership with the Excel@CC professional development program, Paul Buckley, assistant vice president and director of the Butler Center, 举办了“从优秀到卓越”研讨会,巴特勒中心的工作人员为近700名教职员工举办了“每日反种族主义议程”会议.
  • During the 2018-19 academic year, 巴特勒中心的工作人员为CC学生会成员提供了一个“每日反种族主义议程”的会议和一个学生会议  as part of the Collaborative for Community Engagement’s“Week of Action.”
  • 巴特勒中心完成了其第五年的外部审查,继续其在多样性方面的战略性反种族主义倡议, equity, and inclusion work.
  • To increase CC’s socioeconomic diversity, “以创意为基础:科罗拉多大学运动”的目标是筹集1亿美元的财政援助, including $20 million for the Colorado Pledge, 支持来自低收入和中等收入家庭的科罗拉多州学生,使CC教育与就读该州的公立旗舰大学一样或更便宜.
  • 学院已授予教师补助金,以开发新课程或重新设计现有课程,以使CC的学术课程多样化, with a specific focus on including and addressing issues of equity, power, inequality, and diverse experiences.
  • 皇冠学院发展中心将其年度初夏教师静修活动重点放在“街区计划”内的包容性和公平学习上.
  • 学生生活和学术部门为那些可能没有办法或不想参加“典型”的学习活动的学生提供学习活动的选择.
  • 户外教育和校园活动办公室正在重新规划项目,使其更具包容性,更能代表学生群体的利益. For example, the Blues and Shoes music event is now LoCCal Fest, an opportunity to “enjoy all things local,” from music to food to art.
  • The Career Center’s executives-in-residence have representation from marginalized populations.
  • 一个新的学生咨询中心将于2019年秋季启动,以提高学院为每位学生提供学术和其他形式支持的能力.