Friday Feature: The City Dark on Docuseek

Friday Feature: The City Dark on Docuseek

Today's recommendation is a documentary called The City Dark. It's a documentary that discusses the gradual removal of darkness from our lives and the myriad of implications that this removal has. They describe how humans have interacted with the sky, and subsequently the universe, and touch on health implications that arise from the increased light exposure. This film shows how as we gradually move farther and farther from what can be considered a "natural" lifestyle, we lose a key part of what made us human in the first place. I would highly recommend watching this.
(Dalles Tranquille)
Access information: This streaming documentary is available only to those with a CC single-sign-on account. First, log in to your library account on the Tutt home page ( Search for City Dark, then follow the viewing link.
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