Five New Members Named to Board of Trustees

Colorado College has named five new members to its Board of Trustees. They are charter trustees Heather Carroll '89, Lisa Hastings '91,Lauren Watel '07, who will serve six-year terms; Kyle Samuel '92, who will serve a four-year term (two as 校友 Association Council president 和 two as immediate past president); 和 Lily Weissgold '20, who will serve one year as the student trustee.

Two trustees whose terms have ended have been elected to life trusteeship. 这两个 尼尔·贝尔,78年Adam Press '84 have served on the Board of Trustees for 12 years 和 will now become life trustees. Leaving the board are Eric Mellum '90, who is completing his term as immediate past president of the 校友 Council Board, 和 Eyner Roman Lopez '19, who is completing his term as student trustee.

Carroll, who graduated 以优等成绩毕业者 with a degree in sociology, is the president 和 executive director of the Joseph Edmondson Foundation, a private foundation serving the Colorado Pikes Peak area. She has more than 20 years of experience in grant making in the public 和 private sectors, having previously served as a grants manager for the Colorado Department of Education, a program officer for El Pomar Foundation, 和 administrative director of the Children's Brain Tumor Foundation in New York. She also is a volunteer for the Rocky Mountain Women's Film Institute.

Hastings, who graduated with a degree in political science, holds an M.S. in nonprofit management from the New School University in New York. Her experience includes positions as the business administrator at the Stanwich School in Greenwich, Connecticut; development associate at the National Women's Law Center; marketing manager at Women's Way in Philadelphia; 和 a fellowship at El Pomar Foundation in Colorado Springs.

Watel, who graduated with a degree in biology, holds an M.Ed. in curriculum 和 instruction from the University of Washington. She taught biology 和 environmental science to students in grades 9-12 at St. Mary's Academy in Englewood, Colorado, for six years. She also served as the faculty adviser of the Environmental Club 和 as a 10th-grade adviser. In 2014 she was selected as a PolarTREC teacher.

Samuel, the new 校友 Association Council president, graduated from CC with a degree in economics. He worked as an underwriter for The Chubb Group of Insurance Companies in Denver, followed by a long tenure with Aon, plc where he was senior vice president 和 director of sales. He later assumed the same role in Washington, D.C. In 2011, he became managing director of the capital region of Wells Fargo Insurance Services 和 is responsible for business development, client service, bank cross-sell 和 the overall financial performance of Wells Fargo's insurance operations across the District of Columbia, 马里兰, 和维吉尼亚州.

Weissgold is an economics 和 environmental policy major 和 served as the vice president of outreach for the CC Student Government Association. She is the student director of the Pikes Peak Workshop, has served as an intern with the Pikes Peak Community Foundation 和 the El Pomar Foundation, 和 as a fellow with the Palmer L和 Trust.

Report an issue - Last updated: 12/16/2020