CC Hosts Midterm Election Symposium

科罗拉多大学 is hosting a Midterm Election Symposium featuring a variety of speakers, including journalists, politicians and academics. 一系列事件, many of them open to the Colorado Springs community as well as members of the 科罗拉多大学 community, are planned in the weeks before and after the 2018 midterm elections. 所有活动均免费, 但有两件事, April Ryan演讲, a political analyst for CNN, 俄亥俄州政府. John Kasich, will require tickets.

的 symposium schedule includes:

7 p.m.10月3日. 24: 托马斯B. 他通常, American politics writer for 纽约时报
他通常 is best known for his weekly opinion column for 《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》 online and for his 25 years covering national politics for the 华盛顿邮报》. A 纽约时报 contributing op-ed writer, he covers American politics, 不平等, campaign strategy and demographics. Kathryn Mohrman 的atre, 14 E. Cache La Poudre St.

10月11日星期一中午. 29: 学者面板
This panel will feature Professors of Political Science Anand Sokhey of the University of Colorado, Boulder; Deborah Schildkraut of Tufts University; and Joanne Miller, University of Minnesota. Gaylord Hall, first floor of the Worner Campus Center, 902 N. 级联大街. Lunch served; RSVP required to 杰西卡·保罗.

7 p.m.10月,星期二. 30: April Ryan, political analyst for CNN
Ryan is an American journalist and author. Since 1997, she has served as a White House correspondent and is the Washington, D.C., bureau chief for American Urban Radio Networks. In 2017, she joined CNN as a political analyst. In May 2017, the National Association of Black Journalists named Ryan as the "Journalist of the Year." As one of the few African Americans in the White House press corps, Ryan frequently asks questions on issues concerning minorities. Kathryn Mohrman 的atre, 14 E. Cache La Poudre St. TICKETS REQUIRED, available at the Worner Information Desk.

7 p.m.11月星期一. 5: Thomas Holt, professor of American and African American history at University of Chicago
Holt was a fellow of both the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars from 1987 to 1988. 的 title of his talk is "Celebration of Frederick Douglass' Birthday." He received the Wilbur Cross Medal from Yale University in 2014 and the Presidential Initiatives Award from the University of Michigan from 1987 to 1989. Gaylord Hall, first floor of the Worner Campus Center, 902 N. 级联大街.

12:15 p.m.11月3日. 7: Jim Stimson, professor of political science at University of North Carolina
Stimson is the Raymond Dawson Distinguished Bicentennial Professor of Political Science an UNC and the author of "Tides of Consent: How Public Opinion Shapes American Politics." He returned to Chapel Hill in 1997 after appointments to the political science faculties at SUNY at Buffalo, 佛罗里达州立, and the universities of Houston, 爱荷华州, 和明尼苏达州. 南厅,130 E. Cache La Poudre St. Lunch served; RSVP required to 杰西卡·保罗.

7 p.m.11月11日星期一. 12: John Kasich, governor of Ohio
Kasich, the 69th and current governor of Ohio, was elected in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. Kasich is a member of the Republican Party; his second term ends on Jan. 14, 2019, and he is ineligible for reelection due to term limits. Kasich unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination for President in 2000 and 2016. Kasich refused to support the Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and did not attend the Republican National Convention of 2016, which was held in his state; he reported that he wrote-in the name of U.S. Senator and former 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain. Kathryn Mohrman 的atre, 14 E. Cache La Poudre St. TICKETS REQUIRED, available at the Worner Information Desk beginning 9 a.m. 周一,10月. 29, for the campus community, and Monday, Nov. 5、面向公众.

12: 15 p.m., 周四11月. 29: Colorado politics panel
的 Colorado politics panel was made up of state representatives, public opinion experts, and Colorado political scientists. All experts in their fields, they broke down the election and how it matters for Colorado. Gaylord Hall, first floor of the Worner Campus Center, 902 N. 级联大街. Lunch served; RSVP required to 杰西卡·保罗.

的 symposium is organized by Assistant Professor of Political Science Elizabeth Coggins and Associate Professor of Political Science Dana Wolfe. Sponsors include CC's Department of Political Science, the William Jovanovich Lecture in Public Affairs Fund, 弗雷德一. Sondermann Memorial Fund, and Marianne Lannon Lopat Memorial Lecture Fund.

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