Sally Hedderman(21届)获丹佛奖学金基金会PIFP奖学金

女权主义 & 性别研究学院荣幸地宣布萨莉·海德曼(政治科学专业,女权主义者) & 性别研究(辅修,21届)最近获得了一项奖学金 丹佛奖学金基金会 (DSF)在科罗拉多州丹佛市通过赌博正规的十大网站 公益奖学金计划 (PIFP).

DSF旨在激励和授权丹佛公立学校的学生“注册并从高等教育机构毕业”, 通过提供工具, 知识, 以及对成功至关重要的财政资源.他们国家认可的成功三部分计划, 哪个重点关注大学入学, 奖学金, 大学的成功, 结果达到3以上,000 seniors during the 2018-2019 academic year; awarding over $40 million in 奖学金 to over 7,000年学者, 包括近3个,000 graduates; and ensuring 80% of all DSF scholars (mostly first-generation scholars) graduate or continue to succeed in their program.

作为学院顾问研究员, Sally will support and execute DSF's college access programming by working with students individually and collectively; deliver college admissions, 奖学金, and financial aid presentations; serve as a student advocate and coach; and represent DSF at various events and programs.

祝贺你,莎莉! 我们很荣幸认识你!

报告问题 - 最后更新: 05/24/2021