Assessment of Student Conduct Policies

During the 2019-20 academic year, Takiyah Amin, Ph.D., a scholar, educator, and consultant, completed an examination of student-conduct policies (known to many asĀ The Pathfinder) through an antiracism and anti-oppression lens and recommended changes to be implemented for the next academic year. An internal review and focus groups were also conducted. Amin, Senior Associate Dean of Students Rochelle Dickey, and Community Standards and Conduct Specialist Josh Isringhausen then redrafted the conduct policies based on feedback from the reviews and focus groups.

The changes focus on increasing accessibility to the conduct process and reducing subjectivity and bias through more community involvement in the process, and include revisions based on best practices and strategies. Restorative justice practices were updated as a way to resolve conduct cases. Changes are being vetted with key stakeholders, including students, with plans to roll out the revised policies for the start of the 2020-21 academic year. A Student Conduct Advisory Group was formed to review the policies annually.

Report an issue - Last updated: 08/16/2021